Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Are we alone in the universe?

The book Master Builders postulates that we are not alone. Maybe the book can spark some reader conjecture surrounding this topic? Everybody has the right to their own opinions, there is no intent to change anybody's view on their reality. We all have our own life and our own experiences. The above painting depicts some of my life experiences and was painted by my son-in-law. This painting is a summary of small events in my case that took place on the spaceship that we live on.

There are artifacts at our disposal that can bring us closer to answering the above question.

The stunning images from the James Webb space telescope in conjunction with other telescopes have conclusively shown that there are billions of galaxies that surround us. Statistically speaking, there is an excellent chance that life exists elsewhere rather than just on this small dot of a blue planet that we live on. The chances of winning the Lotto are one in fourteen million, yet we regularly hear of people winning huge sums of money. Statistics on their own do not constitute proof but where there is smoke there is fire.

We have proof of superior technology on Earth that we are presently unable to duplicate or to explain. Take Puma Punku as an example. This is one of many sites around the world featuring constructions made out of heavy stone blocks. Puma Punku is a 6th-century T-shaped and strategically aligned man-made terraced platform having a sunken court and monumental structure on top that is part of the Pumapunku complex. The Tiwanaku site is near the town of Tiwanacu in western Bolivia. The hard andesite H-blocks that litter the area have been cut with outstanding precision. Near that location there is a semi-subterranean temple, the Kalasasaya Temple. There is a wall featuring embedded stone-cut heads. Different cultures are represented there, different races. Included is a grey head that is alien in appearance. It makes one think of the classic depiction of aliens that are said to have visited Earth.

Videos have recently been released by the military showing flying craft performing manoeuvres that would turn us into red jelly. Then these craft often disappear while being recorded. More and more indisputable evidence of superior technologies is becoming available. The military denies knowing what these strange craft are.

Some believe that even if there is life up to billions of light years away from us, we can't get to it, so we are effectively alone. That assumes that there are only four dimensions that we are constrained to using. String theory postulates up to eleven dimensions. So what about moving out of our reality, moving to another dimension with different physical rules and then returning to our part of the galaxy? Could that usage of other dimensions help us to cross vast distances without dying before we get there?

Either way if we are or are not alone, lonliness is a terrible thing. So we remain hopeful that we will soon meet with other intelligences that can help us to stop destroying each other and to teach us how to better preserve our planet for generations to come.

Monday, 14 November 2022

On the renewable energy side of things.......


This is a shot of my eBike, hanging from my garage ceiling so as to be out of the way. The battery fits underneath the saddle area between the central frame upright and a guide to the right of the frame (see the vertical "thin" black guide, the battery is presently not fitted).

I recharge the bike's battery using my home solar system. My solar system includes the inverter, that is the blue box to the bottom left of the image.

The central artwork behind the bike was crafted by my son-in-law, depicting various scenes from my life.

The artwork to the right was painted by my special needs son when he attended are classes in the UAE. The picture is his interpretation of his mother who has since passed away.

My solar system captured close to three-quarters of a MWh for the last thirty days even though we have had a lot of recent rain. Here is a captured image of my solar system statistics.

The yellow bars show the captured solar energy and the red bars show the house's consumption. The blue area represents the state of my (20 kVA) lithium ion batteries. My twenty solar panels on my garage roof are rated 6.6 kW.

My house used 497 kWh. I exported 223 kWh to the grid. I used 69 kWh from the grid.

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Reader challenge!

Visit one of the links provided below to be transported to the Sentient Species Test and Evaluation facility on planet 23.

Have fun interacting with Phydeau, the resident clinical psychologist.

She/he is dual-gendered and helps to keep the master builders sane while they perform their important duties.

He/she does have her/his work cut out when working with our hero Chris. Chris seems to have the habit of getting into trouble.

Maybe readers have some comments or suggestions to make as regards their experiences when visiting planet 23?

Have a great day and above all realise that having fun is the name of the game!

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

 A first! The book Master Builders by Wilbur Schmarr has been released!

Could Builder technology save us?

  When I was studying in the early seventies, my first computer experience was with an IBM machine that filled a room at university. Punch c...