Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Could Master Builders help us to reverse air pollution?


The sci-fi book Master Builders by Wilbur Schmarr refers. It can be found at one of the following locations.



It is a depressing fact that our world is too dependent on the use of fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources are just not catching up fast enough to improve matters. The consequences of our addiction have been illustrated by undeniable facts that have been appearing in the media.


Children in polluted cities saying that they have never seen stars or a blue sky.


Smog so bad that it is next to impossible to read the freeway signs that are trying to inform motorists.


The smoke from huge forest fires is adding to the situation, caused by vegetation that is dried out and flammable in turn due to drought. Conversely there are regular reports of large areas being flooded by torrential rain. In summary we are trying very hard to destroy planet Earth and to make life difficult for ourselves.


On top of the climate change catastrophe, humans with their wars are destroying power generation infrastructure, residential buildings and dams. We just seem to be unable to get on with each other or to learn how to share our planet's resources.


So how could the Master Builders help? There is more than enough evidence here on Earth that they do exist. Since they have been here and are likely still here, they have mastered the technology required to quickly travel between points on opposite sides of our galaxy with relative ease.


It would be kind if they could help humans to design alternate non-polluting methods that would replace the use of fossil fuels. We desperately need more advanced ways of managing the energy resources at our disposal and to also have better ways of generating energy. Advice and support on how to remove the existing contaminants from the atmosphere that we are trying to breathe would be marvellous.


Assuming that they are far advanced relative to our present level of technology, they must have found ways to live together in harmony.


Could they help to divert us from our love of violence madness and our attempts at self-destruction?

Could Builder technology save us?

  When I was studying in the early seventies, my first computer experience was with an IBM machine that filled a room at university. Punch c...